GET Segment List
You get now an invalid segment status in case the segment is connected to a deleted category taxonomy.
7 posts tagged with "changelog"
View All TagsChangelog 4.5
GET Company List
You do have now the possibility to sort the company list by the corresponding company id.
The default sorting mechanism is descending now.
GET Reach Enhancement Segment List
Segment Overviews do now have an information if the segment is a customized one.
At the moment this is important for customized SEA campaigns, that are not using pre-defined category taxonomies.
GET Admin Workspace Setting
PUT Admin Workspace Setting
Workspace Settings do now contain settings for the self service ui that is connected to the white label domain of the ui.
In here you can define now the default language for all the users that are getting registered via the self-service ui.
GET Global Search
Our global search functionality is now sorting search results by the similarity of the search (defined by the filter query parameter)
and the name of the found data set.
GET Grouped Google Attributes
On Company level you do have now the possibility to get an overview of the available google attributes.
This overview groups those attributes for all your locations in the company by the main category of the location and their country.
It also includes a stata that says if the locations do have different values (PARTIAL), all of their values are the same (ALL) or if
there not attributes available at all (NONE).
PUT Google Attributes
You are now able to set google attributes for multiple locations at once.
Those locations need to be located in the same company, the same country, and they need to be assigned to the same main category.
Changelog 4.4
GET Company List
GET Company
GET Location List
GET Location Basic
GET Location Basic
GET Possible Duplicates
All those methods do have in their response objects now a "isClaimed" information, which indicates if
there is a business owner who has control over this data set.
GET Reach Enhancement (SEA)
PUT Reach Enhancement (SEA)
It is now possible to suppress the location extensions, in case you dont want to use them for your SEA campaign.
GET Workspace Setting
PUT Workspace Setting
In case you want to maintain a separated support mail and phone for your workspace, you can do this now.
Changelog 4.3
GET Review List:
review list contains now a total number of unanwered reviews for your search and and indicator
how many reviews per week have been made in the last two months
POST Segment Ad: GET Segment Ad: PUT Segment Ad: call to actions are supported now
Changelog 4.2
In this release we introduce the capability to book social ads (e.g. facebook ads) via our system.
To book them you need as usual a corresponding licence id.
Each reach enhancement subscription of the type socialAd can have multiple segments of certain target types. Each segment is connected to different targeting options and can have mutliple ads.
The follow api methods are covering all necessary steps to book such a campaign.
Remark: For now we are restricted to the target type: Drive Traffic To The Website
GET segment list:
get the segments for a booked reach enhancement
GET available segment target types:
get all available possible target types you can use for the social ad segments
POST socialAd segment:
create a new socialAd segment
GET a single socialAd segment:
get an already created socialAd segment
DELETE a single socialAd segment:
delete a single segment
PAUSE a single socialAd segment:
use this if you want to pause or reactivate single segments of your campaign
GET demographic targeting for a segment:
gets the currently configured demographic targeting for a segment (age, gender)
PUT demographic targeting for a segment:
updates the demographic targeting for a segment (age, gender)
GET location targeting for a segment:
gets the currently configured location targeting for a segment (radius, included/excluded locations)
PUT location targeting for a segment:
updates the location targeting for a segment (radius, included/excluded locations)
GET available verticals for interest groups:
gets the available verticals for interest groups
GET available interest groups:
gets the available interest groups to use in the targeting configuration of a segment
GET interest targeting for a segment:
gets the currently configured interest targeting for a segment
PUT interest targeting for a segment:
updates the interest targeting for a segment
GET available options for advanced location targeting:
gets the possible values you can use for the advanced location targeting
GET advanced location targeting for a segment:
gets the currently configured advanced location targeting for a segment (coupling between the audience and the targeted locations)
PUT advanced location targeting for a segment:
updates the advanced location targeting for a segment (coupling between the audience and the targeted locations)
GET list of ads for a segment:
with this call you can get all configured ads for a segment
POST ad for a segment:
create a new ad for s segment
GET a single ad:
get a single ad
PUT a single ad:
update a single ad
DELETE a single ad
get a single ad
Changelog 4.1
PUT review comment: update a comment of a review
You can now update comments for a review you've made before through our api.
GET review list: extended location information in review list
When you get the review list you will see now more information about the connected location (address and if available the external id)
Changelog 4.0
GET Location List: profile quality
Location overview objects may have now a profile quality parameter for each location in the response body. This one gives a rough estimation on how many fields of the location have been defined.
If you want to use this feature in the location list, you need to define it via the enrich_with parameter.
Note: This will definitely decrease the performance of this api method.
PUT Opening Hours: temporarily closed until
In the opening hours you can define now a temporarily closed field, which indicates a date until when this location is closed (e.g. for pandemic reasons). This can only be used for default opening hours.
GET Social Review List: answered status
You can filter now reviews if they have been answered already or not.